It’s after one o’clock on a Monday afternoon and I’m still in pajamas. That can mean only one of two things. A) I am sick. B) I am off work.
If you chose B, you picked correctly.
How rare in this business to get Christmas off! I have the whole week and I’m very excited about it. Today, I’m cleaning and doing laundry. Might sound like work, but I’m glad to finally have some free time to tackle it all.
Tonight, Lee and I are going to celebrate Christmas by going to eat at a swank restaurant and opening presents. We wanted to have our own little Christmas here at our house before we left for the whirlwind tour of Georgia. I’m looking forward to everything – to tonight, to visiting with family, the whole shabang.
It’s 67 degrees right now, so it doesn’t feel like Christmas outside. But it’s a beautiful day, so I’m going to take Millie to the park and enjoy it.
If i can’t be with you this Christmas, know I’m thinking of you and wishing you well.