I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic when I picked Camille up from school today – her last day in her old Baby School. We finally found a new school for her with a 3-day program, and she’ll start big-girl preschool next week.
I believe we’re making the right decision, but that didn’t stop me from feeling sad today. The people of her daycare helped mold her into the precious girl she is, and I will forever be grateful.
I thought today about her first day of daycare more than a year and a half ago. Here we were that first day, on our way to baby school. I was smiling, but the guilt and anxiety I felt were nearly overwhelming.

The first week was ok, but then as we sent her there for longer periods of the day, things went downhill. Quickly. She had a hard time napping with all the noise around her, and sometimes only slept 15 minutes the whole day. I knew she was struggling, and I was heartbroken about it.
But it all changed when she moved out of the “baby” class and into a young toddler class at about 10 months. Because the kids all took naps at the same time and the room was dark and quiet, she miraculously started sleeping 2+ hours each day. The kids had more freedom to roam around the room. They spent time on the playground. They did craft projects. She seemed to thrive, and I stopped hating daycare so much.
Since then, she has seemed quite at home there. Now I just hope – desperately hope – that she can be just as happy and at home in her new preschool. The new teachers and administrators seem very nice. The school has turtles and guinea pigs, which I’m sure she’ll love. And one of her favorite girlfriends will also be attending, so maybe she won’t feel lonely.
But whatever the outcome of this move, I’m comforted to think she has good memories from her Baby School. Her teacher had all her old classmates put their hand prints on a card for Camille today, and it’s something I will always treasure.
Now it’s time to move on. Big girl preschool – here we come!