The first day we rode the subway in New York, I couldn’t help but notice how many people on the train could not keep their eyes open. Sitting? Snooze. Standing? Snooze. Everywhere snooze.

I was too excited to sleep.

But by the end of our few days in Manhattan, as the subway rocked and lulled us on our way toward lunch downtown, I could barely keep my eyes open. I guess New York does that to you.

The main purpose of our trip was the reunion of the Afghan Whigs and their first concert in more than a decade. But we had lots of other things on our agenda too.

Some highlights:

Our first night the weather was rainy and gray, and we splashed along the sidewalks from our hotel in Chinatown going nowhere in particular, ending up at the World Trade Center site and finding lots to see along our way.

City Hall Park

I was very excited for a run with Lee in Central Park. I always run with music to help pass the time, but we never used our headphones, wanting to fully appreciate the park and hear each other’s suggestions. We had no path planned, so it was a lot of, “Let’s go that way!” and “Let’s check out the trail over here.” Just what I’d hoped it would be.

Central Park BridgeCentral Park

We’d been lucky enough to get tickets to the taping of the Jimmy Fallon show, where the Whigs were performing. As fans of the Fallon show, it was fun to see all the off-camera moments, the frenzy during commercial breaks, the failed stunts and re-takes. Anderson Cooper and John Mayer were on the show, but seeing the Afghan Whigs was the real treat.

30 Rock

We spent a morning at MoMA, coming face-to-face with some works I know and love like Monet’s water lilies, and discovering other works I didn’t know but now love as well. All of this after a lunch and coffee at MoMA’s Terrace 5.

MonetF-111Coffee at MoMA

We met up with my cousin Jill for dinner one evening. She lives in New York and we hadn’t seen each other in ages so it was great to be reunited, especially in such a fun place.

Cousin Jill!

And then there was this – need I say more about it?


The main event for us was the Afghan Whigs concert at the Bowery Ballroom. It was thrilling to see the guys back on stage together again, and as each song began I declared it to be one of my favorites – apparently I have a lot of favorites. I was not alone in this, as indicated by the enthusiasm of the crowd. After the show it was fun to spend time with the band before wishing them well as they left for several European tour dates – can’t we come along on those too?

Afghan Whigs at Bowery Ballroom

As I type this I’m sitting in LaGuardia waiting to board a delayed flight, knowing I’ll post this later because I’m too frugal to pay for the wifi. I’m ready to see my girl and sleep in my own bed. And I’m ready to go back to New York, all at the same time.

I’m exhausted but simultaneously invigorated. I guess New York does that to you too.

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